Holy Hunger
There’s nothing quite like the aroma of fresh bread coming out of the oven. It seems to awaken my hunger and is very hard to resist. We are living in the days of a great awakening and people all over the world are running towards the smell of fresh bread. A hunger for God’s presence and power is being seen again.

Words Matter!
Many of us are familiar with the old and untrue saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” This has certainly not been my experience or that of the many people I have prayed with over the years. Over and above personal experience, this saying flies directly in the face of scripture that tells us that our tongues have the power of life and death.

Inside Out
On the outside we might all look fine, but to varying degrees we are all carrying some residue from this global season of turmoil, isolation, loss of business’s, community, and for some the very deep loss of a loved one.

A Most Expensive Gift
In a world desperately in need of peace and wise counsel, I am reminded that over and above the festivities , we have been given the most expensive gift we will ever know. A son was given who came as a baby and died a sinner’s death so that we could have everlasting life, everlasting peace, and everlasting wise counsel.

By what authority?
We have been given authority by the spirit of God to speak peace, to declare healing and restoration over what is broken and to rebuke the works of the enemy. Just as a parent takes their place in their home, we are called and equipped to take our place in the Kingdom.

The power of peace
The peace that Jesus gives is a safe guard to protect us from submitting to a spirit of fear. His peace is a Holy Spirit helmet that will protect our hearts and minds from falling prey to a spirit of fear. His peace will be what anchors us in the storms of life and keeps us stable.

How healthy is your heart?
Harboring offense will harden our hearts, affect our physical health and our relationship with the Lord. Hand every offense over to Jesus and allow Him to heal you.

Embrace Your Citizenship
Recently we had the privilege of spending some time in Denmark. I think Copenhagen has become one of my favorite European cities to visit. Of course the coffee and pastries are pretty amazing too and we probably over indulged a little!

Look at me!
Have you ever taught a child to ride a bicycle or balance on a bar? To help them keep steady we tell them to look at us, and not at what is going on around them which can distract them and cause them to lose their balance and fall. We have been in a season where there is so much screaming for both our attention and our emotions.

Presence Carriers
Do you know that when God created you and fashioned you with purpose and destiny, He also designed you to be a carrier of His Presence? Most of us go about our lives and forget that wherever we go, we host the Presence of the King of Kings, because Holy Spirit dwells in us.

Our weapon of worship
There is a great awakening on the horizon and waves of Presence and miracles and encounters are starting to break. In this season, the Lord is strengthening our weapon of worship, and many new songs are being forged in the fires.

Just say it!
A harsh word can bruise a heart but a gentle word will be like balm to someone whose hurting and release peace into the atmosphere. When we carry the Holy Spirit in us, even more so, do our words affect the circumstances and people around us.
Salt and Light in the Nations
I went with a friend of mine, Leif Hetland, to Pakistan recently. He has been going there for 26 years, loving people, honoring their culture, serving them, ministering to their needs, walking in humility and demonstrating the power of Jesus in signs wonders and healings. I began to reflect on the last few years where I have heard many calls to be salt and light…

Let the peace of God rule…
I realized that no matter what I’m feeling, I can never escape immediate access to His peace because I carry His peace within me. There is no where we will find ourselves where His peace is not in us for us and for others.

The poor and the Gospel
The miracles Jesus enumerates are all spectacular in their outcomes and are the cause of great joy. They are things most people never accomplish. The good news being proclaimed to the poor, is equally so. Recently while ministering in Uganda I had a glimpse of what this means as I met with a group of pastors who have given themselves to serve God’s people. They shepherd flocks of believers living in very difficult circumstances.

18 days in Africa
We recently returned from almost three weeks on the beautiful continent of Africa. From South Africa to Uganda, we had the wonderful privilege of ministering in churches dear to our heart and encouraging leaders from different regions, who are pouring their lives out for the sake of the gospel.

It’s your move…
The God we love and serve is the God of the first move. He loved us first, he saw us first while we were still in our sin, and he made the first move to set us free.

Who is this Jesus?
There are so many beautiful stained glass windows, paintings, sculptures and even movies that depict Jesus in a variety of ways. My favorite portrait is one of Jesus laughing as it shows a deep joy and freedom in him. I believe he laughed at the enemy because he is our victory.

Designed for Friendship
The company we keep influences our lives and the lives of those around us. Who we spend our time with and the voices we listen to will have a profound effect on our lives. We are designed to live in relationship with others, but even more importantly we are designed for friendship with Holy Spirit.

I believe the most powerful hindrance in the last two years has been that of discouragement. It has seemed like a never-ending season that has affected both the world at large and many on a very personal and painful level.