Greg and Michelle Haswell
Greg and Michelle Haswell are senior leaders of Northlands Church in Atlanta Georgia. Together they minister into local churches, key ministries, and global movements, bringing clarity and stability to leadership teams.
As an apostolic-prophetic team, they focus on the foundations of biblical government, the gospel of God’s grace, a mature response to the Holy Spirit, and soul care.
Repairing lives and restoring hope are the most common fruits of their ministry.
Over the years of ministry, Greg and Michelle have done it as a family with their beloved daughter Nicole and now also with her husband, Northlands’ Associate Pastor, Tyler Hannel. Their favorite kingdom assignment in this season is being adoring grandparents to Evangeline.
Life Messages
The Lord has entrusted Greg and Michelle with life messages around four key areas: Church Governance, the Holy Spirit, the Gospel of Grace, and Living Refreshed. You will find most of their ministry is in one of these for categories.
Church Governance - They believe the scriptures detail the governmental style that God loves, first modelled by King David. Jesus' reign continues in that same style of government and we are called to emulate it. When we do that style of government, it brings life and growth to everyone under its authority.
Holy Spirit - Great beauty and excitement that bursts into our lives when we learn how to respond well to the Holy Spirit is amazing. He is the member of the Godhead who is given to be the Lord of the church at this time. We make it a focus to listen and be led by what He says and does.
Gospel of Grace - God’s grace is truly amazing and is the foundational doctrine we embrace. Who Jesus is, what He accomplished on the cross and teachings about righteousness form the foundations of the gospel of God’s grace.
Living Refreshed - More often ministers fail in life or ministry because they neglected to find ways to refresh themselves in the Lord. The demands of ministry can seem endless, and even young ministers grow tired and weary. Discovering healthy rhythms and boundaries, finding rest in God and replenishment for our souls are vital aspects to ministry to learn.
Our Local Church
Greg and Michelle planted Northlands Church in December 1999 after arriving in the country from their native country of South Africa a few days earlier. They landed in the USA in response to a vivid dream and constant calling to come to these shores to participate in planting a church. They believe the USA is in for one of the greatest moves of God the world has ever seen. They love this nation and the local church. Through Northlands, they seek to live in an authentic expression of the kingdom of God in an American context. Northlands’ mission is to build churches that transform lives by experiencing Grace and the Holy Spirit. It is their great joy to serve as Senior Pastors and Lead Elders alongside a large and strong team of leaders at Northlands in Norcross, GA.
It is our immense honor to as a couple as board members of Hand in Hand International Adoptions, Leif Hetland Ministries, and the Africa Church Leaders Conferences. We also serve as apostolic oversight for the Nordic Prophetic Network. Greg is Chairman of the Global Leadership Council for World Without Orphans and serves on the advisory council for One Race Atlanta.